So I took the day off of work on Friday, dropped my daughter off at the sitters and got my gear together. Drove from Richmond to Virginia Beach, and after finding bait and getting a bite to eat, I got to the base of the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel around 12:30. Launched and trolled around the Small Boat Channel for a bit. Nothing. On the way out to the island, met
Kevin and Lee. They were on the way in, since the wind was picking up. They said they slayed the togs. Kevin told me he caught a 22.5"er, 1/2 an inch from citation! Listening to him got me all excited, so I got to my spot with 5 dozen fiddlers and used every one of them. Lost count of the togs after 15 or so. The paddle back in really sucked for the first half. But as the sun was setting, the wind died down a bit. The sunset was gorgeous.

I tried for stripers again at the Small Boat Channel with a bunch of motorboats with little luck. I ran into several other yakers I knew, but left them to try for the trout at little creek. Here's my limit of togs.

I grabbed a bite to eat and launched just west of the bridge in the creek. I got to the jetties and the wind was BLOWING. I tried for about an hour out there, but it sucked. It was rough on the way in, too. I hung around under the bridge for a while and only got a few bumps. I stayed out there til about 2:30am with nothing to show. I packed up the car and decided to take a nap. Woke up around 6:30 and couldn't decide what to do. I REALLY wanted a trout. So, I Rudee inlet it was. Got a little breakfast on the way and upon arriving at owl creek, I see
Ruthless was there. I launched and quickly caught up with Cory. He told me he was out there yesterday at dawn and he found an all out blitz. His first fish yesterday was a citation (on topwater) and just kept on slaying them. Of course, today was a totally different story. The wind was NASTY! I got to $ cove and lots of motor boats. But not a lot of action. Got back to the police docks and just as I was saying "this is my last cast" I get get a hard hit on a mirrolure. I pull back, it rips drag, then it's gone. I must have barely hooked it. I said that was my last cast, because I told my wife I would be back by 1:00. It was 11:30 with a 1.5 hour drive. But you know darn well, it's now impossible for me to leave. Another hour and a half goes by and I kept making excuses in my head. "I know they're here and as soon as I get one, I'm leaving".... "at least the launch is right there, so I don't have to paddle far to get going".. etc. The one thing that does turn me off of fishing is wind. Finally, after several big gusts, my hat went flying, so I decided that was it. No trout, no striper, not even a bluefish. 4 togs and a very irritated wife.