Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Since my last trip was cut short

The final leg of my last trip was cut short due to weather.  So, I decided to go last night to make up for it and HRBT lightline striper action was the goal.  The last couple of times I went it was less than stellar (compared to last year around this time), but since our team, Fish Junkies, in Kayak Wars needs more points, I took the chance.

I launched around 7:30pm and started off jigging up a few dink flounder.  Then I messed with the croakers for a while until it got dark enough for the lights on the bridge to come on.  It took a while for the current to pick up and I kept telling myself they were going to show up.  I had a feeling that working the incoming tide (as opposed to the outgoing that we fished the last couple of times) was going to produce.  Sure enough, when the current really got going, I saw a few stalking near the surface.  Then a few more.  Only thing is, they were very skittish and veered away from my well presented treats.  I decided I would switch from my light colored grub to a dark green and that was the ticket.  With a 1/4oz jighead, I kept it close to the surface and retrieved relatively fast.  They tore it up.  I must of had at least 20 hard fighting stripers between 19" and 24".  When the current slowed down, so did the bite.  I packed it up around 2:30am and drove the hour and twenty minutes back to Richmond... guzzling energy drinks... and counting up the points for Kayak Wars.


  1. I live down here, and i dont get to fish nearly as much as you do any more. Its just not right bro!

  2. All that gas is starting to add up. I think I'm going to start going for my summertime kitties soon. Wanna come up?

  3. Give me a call Rob when you go for the cats. The weekly drive to tidewater is eating me up too. Nice job on the schoolies- I been wanting to get out to the light line.

  4. Man that is great and the color change obviously worked for you. Way to go.
    Craig Outdoors
    Ablaze Home Improvement

  5. LOL, Rob from all your reports I assumed you lived in the 757. Had no idea you lived in Richmond.


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