The feistiest bluefish I’ve ever caught. Right after hookset it
cleared the water by at least a couple of feet. After splashing down it
immediately tail walked twice then suddenly changed direction and came
straight at me. As I’m scrambling to gather line this near three foot
saltwater forked tail piranha shoots out of the water half an arms
length next to me and bounces off my shoulder. Pucker factor at 11 and
expletives pouring out my mouth, it nearly yanks the rod
out of my hands after it lands. It immediately tail walks, goes on an
impressive run then tail walks again. It slowly loses steam after that
and a minute or two later I grabbed the leader. It tries to jump in the
kayak at that point as I reach for my boga grip. I kicked it back in
the water since I wasn’t ready yet and perhaps it wasn’t quite ready yet
to be in the kayak with me. But it tuckered out after that and with
boga firmly securing the choppers I pulled it up. Just shy of citation
but easily a fight I won’t ever forget.

A couple of weeks later, Robert Field came to town and wanted in on the action. Jay Brooks, Meghan Lorraine, Willy Rags and I got together to put Mr. Field on some blues. But first...
... festivities.
I showed up late the next morning, but quickly got on fish. I actually lucked out with the biggest of the day which went right at 36". Citation when I'm not even trying for one.
Photo credit: Robert Field
The episode on Robert's youtube channel should be out soon.
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